Archive for January, 2017

Jan 2 2017

Media Bias educational video

I participated in an educational video made by Honest Reporting, on the issue of media bias in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Among other things, I talked about the use of biased sources and fixers, and said that the most problematic aspect of the coverage is the high level of emotional attachment of many journalists with the Palestinians.


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Jan 2 2017

The War Isn’t Over Yet

Anyone who wants to understand why the conflict between the Zionist movement and the Palestinian Arabs has been going on for over 100 years won’t find the answer in learned discussions of the question as to whether a quarter, a third or half of the Arabs were expelled during the 1948 War of Independence.
Anyone who wants to understand how only as a result of that conflict there are millions of people today claiming to be refugees from a war that ended decades ago, (more…)

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